Why You Need An Annual Hearing Test
You have your eyes checked once a year. You have your teeth checked maybe twice a year. You have your skin checks, breast checks, heart...

A New Tech Arrival at Peachtree Hearing!
Peachtree Hearing is excited to announce a new piece of technology in our hearing lab. We've just installed a MedRex Avant Binaural Real...

The #1 Cause of Hearing Loss Is...
The #1 Cause Of Hearing Loss Is... BANG CRASH BOOM VROOM SMASH POW!!!!... Noise! That's right, the number one most common cause of people...

Johns Hopkins Says Hearing Aids Make You Smarter!
Ok, so I’ve taken a few liberties in choosing the title of this article, but you’ll see the connection by the end. This article is really...

Promising New Study for Treating Tinnitus
Researchers at the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago, IL, have concluded a study on neurofeedback training as a potential...

Beethoven, Ratatouille, and a Krisper – Preventing Deafness
This is some really cool and promising scientific news regarding hearing loss that came out on the 20th of last month. In the science...

Bragi Dash Pro: A High End Solution for Tech Savvy Music Listeners
I recently bought a pair of Bragi Dash Pro custom headphones. This product was developed through a joint partnership between high end...

Stopping Ringing in the Ears: Tinnitus Treatment
Every day we have patients contacting us and coming to see us because they are suffering from tinnitus. Tinnitus is a condition where one...

The Importance of Getting Your Hearing Checked
The Importance of Getting Your Hearing Checked Taking care of your overall health can be busy business. For instance, it is typically...

Who Should Take Care Of Your Ears?
You are having ringing in your ears. You ask for repetition and struggle to understand speech in noisy environments. Maybe you know you...