Impact of Tinnitus
Research into tinnitus is a relatively new venture, however scientific endeavor has already gleaned lots of useful data, analytics, and general understanding around the impact it has on those affected. Tinnitus is unique in that it can be continuous or intermittent, intense or barely noticeable. For the majority of people, tinnitus is nothing more than an annoyance, but for many millions of sufferers it is severe and can negatively impact their quality of life. Below are some of the ways in which tinnitus is known to potentially impact one’s life.
Concentration - Suffering from tinnitus can have a major impact on one’s ability to concentrate. Consider the following example: You are studying for a test in a quiet room and attempting to concentrate. Outside you hear a car honking its horn. This is a common occurrence so you notice, but move on. However, after a minute or two the honking continues. Now you can’t ignore the sound as you’ve become conscious of it. You try to ignore it, but the harder you try the more you just end up thinking about it. Tinnitus can act very much the same way on your concentration. Over time this can have a serious effect on a person’s psyche and quality of life.
Sleep - Those suffering with tinnitus often report trouble sleeping. Lying in bed at the end of the day and being in silence is often a time when people begin to notice their tinnitus. This can then prevent a person from getting to sleep. Sleeplessness as we all know can cause a person to not function well during the day. Overall this can have a cascading negative effect on one’s psychological well being.
Anxiety & Depression - For some the reaction to tinnitus can be emotional. Fear of its cause, inability to control the circumstances, and a lack of a support network to deal with the impact are all potential problems for those who suffer with tinnitus. In many of these cases the emotional toll it takes can lead to or increase social isolation, anxiety, or depression.
Inability to work - Tinnitus can have an impact for some on their ability to work and earn a living. If you are suffering from severe tinnitus, which may include any of the previously mentioned afflictions (i.e. sleeplessness, inability to concentrate, anxiety and depression), it is possible you would not be able to fulfill the duties required for your job. For some this means losing their job, which can further exacerbate the symptoms already at hand.
Why Should You See Dr. Wikoff?

Dr. Wikoff has been successfully diagnosing and treating tinnitus for 10 years. She has dedicated her life to the study and care of hearing. She holds an undergraduate degree in Speech and Hearing Science from the University of Maryland. She also received her Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) degree from Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine’s Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences. Additionally Dr. Wikoff is on the board of directors at the American Tinnitus Association. She has attended multiple courses and workshops specifically on tinnitus, including the International Tinnitus Research Initiative in Valencia, Spain. She is a trained in Neuromonics, received the American Academy of Audiology Scholar Award 2014 - 2015, and she is a member of the Tinnitus Practitioners Association.
If you are in the metro-Atlanta area and are suffering from tinnitus, don't wait any longer to call Peachtree Hearing and see Dr. Wikoff.