Causes of Tinnitus
One of the most important things to understand when discussing what causes tinnitus, is that tinnitus is a symptom and not a illness or disorder itself. When viewed in this manner we can then evaluate and try to find the underlying causes of the tinnitus. Below is a list of disorders/diseases that typically report tinnitus as a symptom:
Hearing Loss
Age Related Hearing Loss - This is the most common cause for tinnitus. Hearing loss happens for most around the age of 50 to 60 years old. That hearing loss then becomes the underlying cause for the tinnitus.
Noise Exposure - Over exposure to loud noises over time or even a single extremely loud event can damage the inner ear and cause hearing loss. That loss then leads to tinnitus.
Obstructions - This is typically a best case scenario. Occasionally a blockage in the ear can cause tinnitus like symptoms. Some examples of a blockage would include: ear wax build up, hair, congestion, or even a foreign object.
Head and Neck Trauma - Injuries to the head and neck often lead to tinnitus. Any damage to nerves, blood flow, or muscles can potentially lead to tinnitus.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder - TMJ is a joint disorder at the point of the skull directly in front of the ears. Due to the proximity to the ears it can cause tinnitus.
Sinus Pressure - Pressure in sinus cavities can also cause tinnitus. This could originate from flying, diving, or sinus infection for example.
Traumatic Brain Injury - TBI can be a reason for tinnitus symptoms. The US Veterans Administration has noted that nearly 60% of their TBI cases also suffer from tinnitus.
Ototoxicity - Certain drugs can have a toxic effect on the hearing system. Suffering damage to the inner ear from medications can also lead to tinnitus.
Other Conditions - There are many other potential causes for tinnitus. Below is an example of just some of the diseases/disorders of which tinnitus has been reported a symptom:
-Lyme Disease
-High Blood Pressure
-Meziere’s Disease
-Acoustic Neuroma
Why Should You See Dr. Wikoff?

Dr. Wikoff has been successfully diagnosing and treating tinnitus for 10 years. She has dedicated her life to the study and care of hearing. She holds an undergraduate degree in Speech and Hearing Science from the University of Maryland. She also received her Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) degree from Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine’s Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences. Additionally Dr. Wikoff is on the board of directors at the American Tinnitus Association. She has attended multiple courses and workshops specifically on tinnitus, including the International Tinnitus Research Initiative in Valencia, Spain. She is a trained in Neuromonics, received the American Academy of Audiology Scholar Award 2014 - 2015, and she is a member of the Tinnitus Practitioners Association.
If you are in the metro-Atlanta area and are suffering from tinnitus, don't wait any longer to call Peachtree Hearing and see Dr. Wikoff.