Legendary actor William Shatner says, “What…is…that…ringing..sound…in, your, ears?!?”
Peachtree Hearing is pleased to announce that Dr. Melissa Wikoff has been appointed to the board of directors for the American Tinnitus Asso

Why You Need An Annual Hearing Test
You have your eyes checked once a year. You have your teeth checked maybe twice a year. You have your skin checks, breast checks, heart...

A New Tech Arrival at Peachtree Hearing!
Peachtree Hearing is excited to announce a new piece of technology in our hearing lab. We've just installed a MedRex Avant Binaural Real...

Johns Hopkins Says Hearing Aids Make You Smarter!
Ok, so I’ve taken a few liberties in choosing the title of this article, but you’ll see the connection by the end. This article is really...